Country of origin – Russia
Brief Historical Digression
Priter is the breed which belongs to the group companion (in exhibition ring it’s terriers); its formation was started in the end of the last century in Russia, in the city of Saint Petersburg by the expert in cynology Heinonen I.A., in kennel Pit Prite. According to its origin the breed of Priter has the same roots with American Pit Bull Terrier, containing 80% of its blood, and with American Staffordshire Terrier, but further they go their separate ways. Priter breed was obtained by the mixture of three more breeds, one Canary Mastiffs and one Great Dane to increase the power, height and skeleton, and Weimaraner to get more attractive exterior of the dog, without rough form of head and body with beautiful movement. By means of strict selection the work has being done for more than 25 years, according to both exterior and nervous system, to get more homogenous stock in Priter breed.
General aspect
Priter is a dog which is a little bit taller and massive of medium size. It makes an impression of a strong, muscular, athletically and harmonically built dog, without rough forms with beautiful lines in the exterior. All its posture shows that it was created for sports and active pastime. The dog is vigorous, active, hot-tempered and enduring. At the same time it can be quickly stabilized and becomes calm and balanced, depending on situation, which it always understands.
Priter is a dog with easy and universal disposition. It is easily controlled and trained. The dog is strongly oriented to submission to a human. Priter never tries to dominate and be the leader in the family. It is communicative and amicable with any person, even whom it hardly knows. It has special devotion to children and is ready to permit any tricks from them. In spite of the fact that Priter is a tender and careful nanny for a child, if necessary it will perfectly cope with defense of the whole family. Priter is extraordinary good at all types of training, for this very reason it has already became famous for being an excellent student in all subjects. As well as during sports competition, where Priter always wins prizes. Such abilities of Priter offer great challenges for its masters in any directions and Priter is always ready to overcome any difficulties, it is not afraid of them, it’s in its character.
Head: of medium length, proportional to the body, skull is flat, board between ears with well-defined musculature of cheeks. Lines of skull and neb are parallel with each other.
Neb: of medium length. Stop is well-defined, not too abrupt. Along the length neb is shorter than skull, approximately by 2:3.
Lips: adherent, not too loose, with smooth bend, extending to the lip angle.
Teeth: massive jaws. Scissor bite, level bite is acceptable with aging. Full set of large white teeth.
Nose: big, with wide open nostrils. Pigmentation can be different. Dogs with black nose have homogeneous black pigmentation. Dogs with red nose must have nasal planum colored with tone of coat pattern from cream-white to dark -brown. Poorly colored nose is considered as a drawback.
Ears: high inserted, cropped. If ears are not cropped, placement is made, folded into “rose petal” or unfolded into triangles.
Eyes: of round or almond-shaped, wide-set. Dogs with black nasal planum have dark-brown eyes. Dogs with red nose must have eyes equal to the tone of coat pattern, from light-amber to dark-yellow.
Neck: muscular, strong, dry, slightly bent, of medium size, smoothly extending from head to blades.
Body: preferably compact, especially for male dogs. Body length is a bit bigger than shoulder height, but not too extended.
Top line: creates smooth, slightly bent line.
Top of shoulder: well-defined and smoothly flows into back line.
Loin: compact, slightly prominent, broad, muscular.
Croup: slightly sloped.
Chest: deep, moderately broad, ribs are well extended and bent in the area of spinal column, then get flatter, forming deep chest, reaching elbows.
Bottom line, abdomen: moderately tucked.
Tail: is a natural continuation of top line, broad at the bottom and get narrow by the end. In relaxed condition tail is dropped to the bottom, reaching hock joints. While moving tail is kept at the level of back, in excited condition it gets higher in the shape of sickle. It must never curl into a ring and touch the back.
Forelegs: during examination straight in front and parallel to each other, with round and strong bones, without elements of roughness and loading.
Blades: long and oblique, tightly adjoining the body, mustn’t be too loaded.
Shoulders: long, placed at a right angle to blade.
Elbows: no too tightly pressed to the chest, but not inside out.
Forearm: placed vertically, long, dry and muscular.
Wrist: strong, well-defined, but not extremely enlarged.
Front pasterns: straight, vertical, strong.
Forelegs: small, round with clenched digits. Hard pads.
Hind legs: have good and relief musculature. Straight during examination behind.
Thigh: long, muscular.
Lower thigh: of medium size.
Hock joints: with quite defined angles.
Hind pasterns: moderately short, vertical, parallel during examination from behind.
Hind paws: with clenched digits in a clump, hard pads.
Movements: light, strong, spring-like and steady. Ambling is considered as a drawback.
Coat: coat is short, bright, close-lying, without undercoat.
Color: color is acceptable in combination with white marks, except for merle.
Size and weight: height of a male dog, 56-62 cm; 53-8 cm for a female in shoulder.
N.B: male dogs must have two well developed testicles, completely sunken into marsupium.
Any deviation from the abovementioned points must be considered as the defect. Seriousness of the attitude to the defect must be proportional to its extent.
Insignificant shyness in psychic. Head is rather light according to the body. Narrow neb, sharpened towards the nose. Extremely prominent or close-set eyes. Lack of two teeth in the set. Too extended body (especially for male dogs). Slopping, domelike long loin or flunking back when in motion.
Extremely thin or exceedingly fat dog. Extremely slope croup. Exceedingly twisted tail.
Legs: elbows are exceedingly drawn from the body. Straight shoulder. Weak, splayed front pastern. Approximate hock joints. Lack of hock joints angles.
Disqualifying faults: cryptorchid testis. Aggressive or extremely cowardly conduct.
Any dog, manifesting physical or behavioral deviations, must be disqualified.